Here God has led the Israelites through the Red Sea so that they might walk through on dry land. He protected them from the pursuing Egyptians by letting the wall of water swallow up the Egyptian army. Moses and the Israelites took time to sing a song of praises and thanksgiving to God. They ask if any gods can compare to the Lord. He is,” Glorious in holiness, fearful in praises. Only He can perform great wonders.” They recall how He stretched out His right hand and the earth swallowed the Egyptian army.

God leads His people though the Red Sea.

Moses in the song goes on to say how God in His great mercy and love, leads the people He has redeemed to the holy habitation. God is a great shepherd to the people. The Lord redeemed the people by buying them back from the Egyptian slave market. He will lead them to Canaan the land that He has promised them. Once the other nations hear how God defeated the Egyptian army, they will tremble with fear. The people of Philistia, Edom, Moab, and Canaan will tremble with fear as God’s people travel to the promised land. Their terror will cause them to be motionless like stones while the Israelites pass through. Then the Lord will plant His people on the mountainside of their inheritance. And they will not be moved. The Lord will establish a permanent place for His people.  In verse 20 we see that Miriam, the sister of Moses, leading the women in praises with timbrel and dancing. Miriam sang this song, “‘Sing ye for the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.” The Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and the crossing of the Red Sea is one of the most talked about event in the Old Testament. 

Miriam, the sister of Moses, leading the women in praises with timbrel and dancing.

The Lord just as He has redeemed the Israelites, He has redeemed us. We were sinking in sin with little hope of rising.  But God reached out to us with His son, Jesus. He continues to be our shepherd today leading us where He wants us to go. The Lord is highly exalted. His praises should be constantly on our lips. We should not be hesitant to sing and celebrate His goodness, love, and mercy.