A Called to Testify February 7, 2021 John 4:25-42

Here we have Jesus talking to the woman at the well. Jesus talking the woman was unusual for three reasons. Men do not talk to women they do not know especially in public. Jews also do not talk to the people of Samaritan. Moreover, they definitely do not talk to women of questionable morals. Jesus knew that this woman had five husbands and she is not married to the man that she is living with now. She is ‘shacking up’ as the old folks would say.  Most men would have nothing to do with a woman like this. The fact that the woman came to the well at noon, the hottest part of the day showed that she did not want to run in into the other members of the community. She did not wish to be the subject of their gossips. However, Jesus went against the cultural norms of that time. It is for people like the woman at the well that Jesus came to earth to save.  Jesus went on to have a conversation with the Samaritan woman. Jesus went on to explain how differently the Jews and Samaritans worshipped God. Jesus informed her that salvation comes from the Jews. She replied that when the Messiah comes he would make all things clear. Jesus told her that the person she is talking to is he (the Messiah).

The woman leaves her water jar and goes back to the town saying, “Come see a man which told me all things I have ever done, is not this the Christ?” Her statement got the people interested. They went out to see if this really is the Christ.  Meanwhile the disciples left to get food. They knew that Jesus must have been tired and hungry. When they returned, they urged him to eat. Jesus told his disciples that he had food that they did not know about. His disciples were puzzled. “Could someone have brought him food? They asked each other. Jesus told his disciples that his food is to do the will of God and to complete the work that God sent him to do. Jesus wanted his disciples to know that to do his Father’s will is even more important than satisfying the basic needs of life. Jesus was trying to get them to see that bringing people into God’s kingdom is like harvesting crops. The harvest was ripe for harvesting. They needed to open their eyes for the people ready to harvest. Someone had already done the sowing and all they needed to do is reap the great harvest. Someone else has done the hard work. God would reward the Sowers and reapers and they both can rejoice together for bringing men and women to eternal life.

The woman rushes to tell everyone about the Messiah.

Many of the Samaritans believed in Jesus because of the testimony of the woman at the well. Therefore, when the towns people went to talk with Jesus they urged him to stay in the village of Sychar two days. After listening to Jesus, many believed in him. They told the woman that we no longer believe in him because of what you said. We have heard him for ourselves. We know now that he is the Christ, the savior of the world.

 The woman at the well did not seem important to the Jewish people. She was not even highly thought of by her own Samaritan people. This woman was important to Jesus. All women are important to God. They all have a place in God’s Kingdom.