Here the Babylonians have conquered Jerusalem and sent the Jews into exile. Jeremiah is sitting among the ruins. He is asking God to take notice of what has happened to the Jewish people. They are a disgrace among the other nations.

The Jewish people going into exile.

Their land is occupied by strangers. Foreigners are living in houses that once belong to the Jewish people. Many men have been lost in battles, so that many children are orphans and many women are widows. They must buy water to quench their thirst and wood to heat themselves. They are constantly harassed. They have no rest from their labor.

Their fathers (deceased) committed the sins, but the wrath of God falls on the living. Even though the living is not without sin. People that once were slaves to the Jews now rule the land. The Jews risk their lives when they go out foraging for food. Jeremiah also says that their women and girls are violated by the conquerors. The former leaders, men of nobility, are publicly executed. Normally your elders are respected for their age and wisdom but now no honor is given to the elders. The young men and boys struggle under the heavy workloads they are forced to bear. Our old men no longer pass judgement at the city gates. The music of the young has ceased. Jeremiah goes on to say that joy has left the hearts of the people. Where there once was dancing there is now mourning. Jeremiah mentioned that the crown has fallen from their heads. They no longer rule in their own land. Jeremiah reminds the people that they are in this situation because of the sins they have committed. Jerusalem and the temple are desolate and in ruins, deserted by all except the wild animals.  When Jeremiah looks around he sees nothing but hopelessness and despair. But now he turns his eyes to the Lord. Kings and kingdom come and go but the Lord God reigns forever. His throne endures from generation to generation. God could not possibly forget them forever. Jeremiah pleads with God to restore the people back to the time that he blessed them. Jeremiah acknowledges that they got what they deserve, but he is also relying on the goodness of God. God cannot forsake them forever. He is a compassionate God and His mercies are new every day. Lam 3:22-25. 

Jeremiah pleads with God to restore the people.