Nehemiah travels to Jerusalem for the purpose of rebuilding the wall. After resting for three days following his long trip from Persia he set out at night with a few men. Nehemiah has yet to tell anyone what God has put in his heart to do for Jerusalem. During the night he went through the Valley Gate toward the Jackal’s Well and over to the Dung Gate to see the broken walls and burned gate. Nehemiah then went to the Fountain Gate and to the King’s Pool, but the rubble was so great his donkey could not get through. So, Nehemiah and his group went through the Valley Gate, along the Kidron Valley and into the valley of Jehoshaphat. After examining the southern wall, he went and entered the city again at the Valley Gate. Up to this point Nehemiah told no one of his plans to rebuild the wall. He did not tell the city officials where he went or what he was doing. He also did not inform the Jews, the priests, nobles, officials, or any others that would be doing the work. He did not want to give advance notice to anyone until he was ready to put his plan into action.

The walls in ruin.
Nehemiah examines the walls in ruin.

Nehemiah was probably aware of the opposition he would face. Nehemiah never made known his intentions to rebuild the wall. Now he is giving his report to the Jewish officials. He tells them that the city sits in ruins and the gates are burned. Nehemiah urges them to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and rid themselves of this disgrace. The walls were in ruins for nearly 150 years. The leaders seem reluctant to start this project. Nehemiah reassured them by saying that the gracious hand of God was on him and that he also had the support of the king. And the officials said, “Let us rise up and build!” And they started the good work. but sometimes when you do the work of the Lord you face opposition. When Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab heard about it they laughed and ridiculed them. They even accuse them of rebelling against the King. Nehemiah responded by saying, “The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding.” Nehemiah is letting them know that his authority comes from someone who has authority over all the kings of this world. Finally, he tells them that they have no business in this matter. No claim, no part, and no nothing in this! This work must be done by only the people of God. The confrontations did not end here but God did give success to Nehemiah and His people.

Nehemiah talking to the Jewish officials about rebuilding the wall. He tells them that the gracious hand of the Lord is with them.