Joshua: Prophet of Conquest. March 14, 2021.Joshua 5:13-15, Joshua 6:1-5, 15-16, 20.

The Israelites crossing the Jordan River.

Here we have the Israelites just after crossing the Jordan River. They were camped at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho. They started eating from the gardens and fields of the land they had invaded. Manna no longer fell from heaven. They were now led by Joshua. Now Joshua was near Jericho and saw a man with a drawn sword. Joshua walked up to him and asked, ‘Are you for us or for our enemies?” He replied “Neither, but as commander of the army of the Lord I have come”. Joshua in reverence of him then falls face down on the ground. Joshua asked him what message he had from the Lord. He then instructed Joshua to take off his sandals because the place he was standing is holy. The city of Jericho was shut up as tight as a drum. Jericho probably heard how God dried up the Jordan River so the Israelites could cross. Or perhaps it was the successful mission of the two spies. But the people of Jericho were terrified of the Israelites.  Jericho would be a big obstacle in the Israelite’s march to the promise land.

Joshua encounters a man with a drawn sword.

The Lord spoke to Joshua. He declared that he has given Jericho into his hands along with its king, and its fighting men. He told Joshua to march around the city of Jericho once with your armed men Joshua was instructed to do this for six days. Seven priests were to carry seven trumpets made of rams’ horns. The priests are to walk in front of the Ark. On the seventh day Joshua and his men were to march around Jericho seven times and the priests shall blow their trumpets. When the priests made a long blast on their trumpets the entire army was to make a great shout. God told him the walls will fall down. Once the walls fall down all the men are to charge inside and take the city. So, on the seventh day they got up at daybreak. Joshua then marched around the city of Jericho seven times. After the seventh time the priests blew the trumpets. Joshua commanded the army to “Shout! for the Lord has given you the city”. The people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets.  The walls of Jericho fell down from the loud shout. Every man charged in, and they took the city.

The walls of Jericho come crumbling down.

God gave Joshua and the people unusual instructions. But God promised that he would make them victorious over the city of Jericho. Joshua trusted the Lord as evidenced by his quick obedience to God’s instruction. Joshua also remembered one other time the Jewish people did not trust the Lord God. When they were about to invade Canaan but some of the spies said that the men of Canaan were like giants. The Israelites ended up wandering in the desert for forty years.  Without God’s help it would have never been possible for the Israelites to compromise the wall. The wall was said to be 15 feet high and 12 to 14 feet thick. When we learn to trust God, all things are possible.