Called to Serve February 28, 2021 Acts16:11-15, 40; 1 Cor 1: 26-30

While traveling in Troas Paul had a vision. He had a vision of a man in Macedonia pleading for him to come over to Macedonia and help them. They set sail for Macedonia and landed in Philippi. Philippi was a major city in Macedonia.  It was a trading hub for travelers and merchants from all over the world and a place to take in the latest news.  They remained in Philippi for several days. On the Sabbath, they went out by the river to find a place to pray.  Normally they would go to the synagogue but the city had no synagogue. They sat down and spoke to the women who had gathered there. One of the women listening was Lydia from the city of Thyatira. She was a dealer in purple cloth. Purple cloth is expensive so we believe Lydia was a woman of wealth. She was known to be a worshipper of God. The Lord opened her heart and she accepted everything Paul had to say. She was baptized along with her entire household. She invited Paul and Silas to stay at her home. After Paul and Silas got out of prison, they returned to the home of Lydia. They met with other believers. After encouraging them, they left town.

Paul meets Lydia, a seller of purple cloth.

We now go to Corinth. Paul asks the believers to remember who and what they were before they were called. They were not considered wise or persons of influence and they were not of noble birth. Paul tells them that God has chosen the foolish things of this world, the things of little worth to confound the wise. God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty. So that no one may boast in the presence of God. God is the source of every good thing that we are capable of doing.  The good that we are able to do for the kingdom happens because Jesus has become for us the righteousness, holiness, and redemption we need to be reconciled with God. Christ’s redemption in us will ultimately be manifest when we finally stand before God, free from sin. 

Paul ministers to Lydia and her household.

It is interesting to note that Paul saw in his dream a man in Macedonia   asking for his help. However, when Paul came to Philippi it was to Lydia and her household that he ministers to during his visit. God is no respecter of persons. God used a woman to help bring the good news to Philippi.  They considered the women weak, foolish, and of little worth. However, God uses the weak things to confound the mighty.