Called to Support February 14, 2021 Luke 8; 1-3 Mark 15:40 John 20:10-18

Here in Luke the eighth chapter we see Jesus traveling from one town and village to another proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve disciples and certain women accompanied Jesus. One was Mary Magdalene whom Jesus cured of seven demons. Another was Joanna the wife of Chuza who the manager of Herod’s household and Susanna was. Joanna most likely came from a middleclass background. These women from different economic backgrounds came together to financially support Jesus and the disciples. When Jesus was crucified, only one of the twelve disciples was there. That was John. However, numerous devoted women were there even if from a distance. Mark notes that Mary Magdalene was there along with Mary who is mother of two sons, James and Joseph. In addition, Salome was there.

John chapter 20 describes what happened after Jesus’ resurrection. Mary Magdalene and some women came to Jesus’ tomb. They saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb and the tomb was empty. Mary rushed to tell Peter and probably John and told them Jesus’ body had been taken. Peter and John came to investigate and were confused by the disappearance of Jesus’ body. They however returned to their homes in Jerusalem. Mary stood outside of the tomb weeping. While she wept, she looked inside. She saw two angels clothed in white robes. The asked Mary why she was crying. She replied, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him. After saying this, she turned around and saw Jesus, but she did not recognize that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her “Woman why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? She believing that Jesus was a gardener asked him, “Sir if thou borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him and I will take him away. Jesus then called her by name, “Mary”. She then realized that it was Jesus. Jesus told Mary not to touch him because he has not yet ascended to his Father. Jesus instructed her to go to the disciples and tell them that he was ascending to his father. Mary went to the disciples and told them that she saw the Lord and the things that he said to her. We see that many women supported Jesus in his ministry here on earth. Some of his most dedicated and most devoted supporters were women. While they were considered second-class citizens at that time, Jesus never treated them that way.